Negocio 8159919288 Negocio 8159919288

Tel. celular 8479750887 Tel. celular 8479750887

Mejor momento para encontrarme

I own a woman's boutique in Sycamore,IL and have made it my passion to help women look and feel confident about themselves from top to bottom. I am available for personal skin care consultations and beauty makeovers when not at the boutique.

Idiomas que hablo


Opciones en los medios sociales

Cómo llevo la belleza a ti

I have been selling Mary Kay for over 20 plus years and like many women, I have tried other brands, but have never been as happy with my skin as I am when using MK. In my earlier years, MK made me enough of a believer to know that my oily patches and monthly acne needed more then I was getting from those expensive department store brands. Mary Kay has not only helped me age gracefully, MK has also had a huge influence on my professional life. MK has been a life changer for me.

Mi producto de mayores ventas favorito

Juego Milagroso™ TimeWise®

La milla más importante en nuestro negocio es esa “milla adicional”, que se llama servicio. Mary Kay Ash

Mis especialidades

  • Soluciones para el cuidado de la piel
  • Para regalar
  • Cuidado de la piel para combatir el envejecimiento
  • Looks que van con tu estilo de vida
  • Regalos corporativos

Opciones de entrega

  • Puedo entregártelo en tu casa.
  • Puedo enviarte tu pedido.
  • Puedes recoger tu pedido.
  • Puedo entregártelo en tu trabajo.