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The Best Times to Reach Me

Bring some friends and host your party today! I will be available for one on one appointments just give me a call. You can also visit my website 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week!

Languages I Speak

American Sign Lang.

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How I bring beauty to you

I am a native of Humboldt County and I have been using Mary Kay products for over 20 years! I can't wait to share the skin care products and the awesome make up with you! As my customer, you can create a new look for yourself and your friends. If you would like a one-on-one consultation, a party with friends (earn free products), a virtual party, makeup tips, skin care advice or free samples. You can try before you buy. You can shop online or order by email or phone. Lets talk!

My Favorite Best-Selling Product

TimeWise Repair® Set

Ours is a business where selling results from a truly personal one-on-one relationship – a friendship. Mary Kay Ash

My Specialties

  • Makeovers
  • Skin Care Solutions
  • Age Fighting Skin Care
  • Fragrance and Body Care
  • Facials

Delivery Options

  • Home Delivery
  • Mail
  • Pick Up
  • Work Delivery