Mobile 8166513571 Mobile 8166513571

The Best Times to Reach Me

Anytime at your convenience. If you call and I'm unavailable, leave a message and I will get back with you.

Languages I Speak


How I bring beauty to you

As my customer, you get the personalized attention you want and derserve! I'm knowlegeable and experienced, and I believe in immediate delivery of your product needs. I'm available for personal makeovers, parties and seasonal touch-ups. You can shop online, over the phone (via voice or text), through email, or in person. Let me service your beauty needs!

My Favorite Best-Selling Product

TimeWise® Firming Eye Cream

I truly believe that serving customers is one of the great factors that sets us apart from every other company. Mary Kay Ash

My Specialties

  • Skin Care Solutions

Delivery Options

  • Home Delivery
  • Mail
  • Pick Up
  • Work Delivery