Tel. celular 3309624428 Tel. celular 3309624428

Mejor momento para encontrarme

My store is always open! Please feel free to message me with questions, and I do my best to respond within 8 hours max. Please let me know your hours too so that I don't accidentally call you during your slumber hours!

Idiomas que hablo


Opciones en los medios sociales

Cómo llevo la belleza a ti

I have been a successful sales person in the staffing and advertising world because of my consultive style. A new friend, working in the office across the hall, asked to practice a facial with me, and I was hooked on the products! When I attended a few events I was shocked at the camaraderie among the women - something I didn't find in the corporate world. I'm not going to "sell" you anything. I can only provide you the best information for you to make the best decision for yourself.

Mi producto de mayores ventas favorito

Mary Kay® Lash Love® Lengthening™ Mascara

Verdaderamente creo que el servicio a las clientes es uno de los principales factores que nos distingue de toda las demás empresas. Mary Kay Ash

Mis especialidades

  • Tono ideal de base
  • Soluciones para el cuidado de la piel
  • Para regalar
  • Cuidado de la piel para combatir el envejecimiento
  • Faciales

Opciones de entrega

  • Puedo entregártelo en tu casa.
  • Puedo enviarte tu pedido.
  • Puedo entregártelo en tu trabajo.