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Mejor momento para encontrarme

I have had to wonderful opportunity to assist a Mary Kay Director for the past several years. Lynn Baer Roberts has been a Mary Kay consultant for 54 years and what she has taught me about this business is invaluable. My background is tech so with my gained Mary Kay knowledge, silly sense of humor, and tech skills, the sky is the limit!

Idiomas que hablo


Opciones en los medios sociales

Cómo llevo la belleza a ti

My journey with Mary Kay Cosmetics began when I was a teenager. My mother had MK products in our home and I always loved all the "pink". After learning about the products, I realized that I wasn't really taking care of my skin. The MK system makes it so easy. So, I gave the products a try. I love how my skin feels now and you can too. This company offers women such a great opportunity to work from home and love what they do. The products practically sell themselves. Give them a try!

Mi producto de mayores ventas favorito

TimeWise Repair® Set

Verdaderamente creo que el servicio a las clientes es uno de los principales factores que nos distingue de toda las demás empresas. Mary Kay Ash

Mis especialidades

  • Soluciones para el cuidado de la piel
  • Cuidado de la piel para combatir el envejecimiento
  • Aplicación de maquillaje
  • Consultas de maquillaje
  • Consulta de imagen

Opciones de entrega

  • Puedo entregártelo en tu casa.
  • Puedo enviarte tu pedido.
  • Puedes recoger tu pedido.
  • Puedo entregártelo en tu trabajo.