Three Mary Kay employees holding posing behind photo frame.


"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is a tried and true principle that serves as the foundation upon which our company was built. Mary Kay Ash believed that treating each other with mutual kindness and respect should not only be required, but naturally leads to a strong, fair and healthy working environment.


Following Mary Kay Ash’s guidance, we imagine everyone has a sign around their neck with this sentiment. At Mary Kay, helping people feel better and do better is more than our brand. It’s the core of our business, and it guides our actions large and small. Whomever we meet, inside the company or out, we have an opportunity to offer kindness and respect; to make people feel important, welcomed, appreciated; and to find ways to do beautiful things.


Giving elevates everyone. The real spirit of Mary Kay is the passion our people share to be part of something greater than our individual selves. To be of service to others. To see a need and fill it. To go out of our way – and then some – for those we can help. “Go-Give Spirit” was Mary Kay Ash’s term for this selfless pursuit of the greater good.


Balance means more than “time management.” We recognize the importance of building a balanced life. In fact, Mary Kay Ash often shared her personal priorities of faith first, family second and career third. Following this tradition, encouraging employees to find the proper balance of priorities in their own lives has remained a vital part of our culture around the globe. At Mary Kay, we understand that a successful career is just one part of a balanced life.

There are so many beautiful things about a career with Mary Kay, starting with our mission of enriching the lives of women and their families around the world. And that’s a career you can love. (Current Mary Kay employees click here.)