The Best Times to Reach Me

You can reach me anytime by e-mail at or I will contact you within 24 to 72 hours of receiving your e-mail. I have products on hand. Feel free to message me for your orders.

Languages I Speak


How I bring beauty to you

As an experienced beauty consultant, I cater to my customers by providing them with excellent customer service that ensures that their needs are met. My store is open 24/7 online. You can shop with me online, by email, phone, or in person. Facials, parties, & makeovers are a great way to connect, get advice, and sample products. We must chat! Send me a message!

My Favorite Best-Selling Product

TimeWise® Miracle Set®

I truly believe that serving customers is one of the great factors that sets us apart from every other company. Mary Kay Ash

My Specialties

  • Makeovers
  • Foundation Shade Matching
  • Skin Care Solutions
  • Age Fighting Skin Care
  • Facials
  • Color Consultations

Delivery Options

  • Home Delivery
  • Mail
  • Pick Up
  • Work Delivery