Tel. celular 5032600365 Tel. celular 5032600365

Mejor momento para encontrarme

You may reach out to me at anytime. I will gladly help you get the information or product you need. I am available by phone, text, email, or online throught the website, and I will respond within a couple of hours, at the very most. I am not available between 9pm and 9am.

Idiomas que hablo


Opciones en los medios sociales

Cómo llevo la belleza a ti

For me, Mary Kay isn't about making money. When I was introduced to Mary Kay, I thought I was helping another mom. I didn't realize, she was helping me. The skin care products she shared with me were nothing short of amazing! Today, I am not only using their skin care and cosmetic products, I'm now helping other woman discover what Mary Kay can do for them. I will do my best to help you feel amazing too! Find me online' call, text, or email. I will gladly provide samples! Let's get glowing!

Mi producto de mayores ventas favorito

Mary Kay® Ultimate Mascara

Verdaderamente creo que el servicio a las clientes es uno de los principales factores que nos distingue de toda las demás empresas. Mary Kay Ash

Mis especialidades

  • Soluciones para el cuidado de la piel
  • Para regalar
  • Cuidado de la piel para combatir el envejecimiento
  • Fiestas para madres e hijas
  • Faciales

Opciones de entrega

  • Puedo entregártelo en tu casa.
  • Puedo enviarte tu pedido.
  • Puedes recoger tu pedido.
  • Puedo entregártelo en tu trabajo.